I don't often post photos of me doing yoga, as I feel it's a very personal and inward journey that doesn't need to be displayed publicly. Yet we are flooded with so many of these flashy images of perfectly contorted bodies every day. It's not something to flaunt and show-off, and it certainly isn't a competition.

Yoga has become so popular recently, and often for the wrong reasons. This ancient Indian practice has been taken way out of context, often seeming to make it the privilege of the healthy, wealthy and beautiful.
Don't get me started on Beer Yoga, Nude Yoga and the many other ways of re-branding yoga to make money, but what I would like to say is this...
after continuing to practice yoga for 25 years now, I have definitely learnt a few things that help in my every day life.
It's not how flexible you are in body, but how willing you are to come to those difficult moments emotionally, and just sit quietly observing your reality without trying to run from or change anything, that really counts. Flexibility of your attitude is key to finding genuine moments of happiness, or at least contentment.
Your real yoga practice starts the moment you step out of the safe haven of the studio, and life's challenges begin to test you. The discipline, dedication and patience you learn through your regular asana practice begins to flow off the mat and into your every day.
I've learnt that total commitment to being committed is so much more important than twisting my body into the perfect shape. Some days it really doesn't want to play, so I adjust my practice to suit, and instead opt for a gentler practice like Yin or Restorative yoga. Whole-hearted intention and simply letting go of judgement will carry you a lot further than striving to achieve something through your yoga practice. The main thing is to keep persevering, no matter the circumstances, even if it means simply resting and tuning into your breath. If we embrace a sense of curiosity, then we can learn something from everything! The need to label 'good', 'bad' or 'indifferent' just falls away.
Everything is exactly as it's meant to be right in this very moment...in this very breath. Where are you right now?

If there's one limb of yoga that gets overlooked, it's usually Pranayama ( breath work ). Learning to use your physical yoga practice to unlock the wonderfully powerful effects of the breath can be life-changing. It can literally elevate your yoga from a physical to a more spiritual experience, teaching you ways to guide and control your nervous system. In other words, you have the power to control how you feel.
Pranayama for me continues to be THE most effective tool for transformation, peace and clarity. It's often my chosen form of daily meditation, and helps set me up for a great day. If there is one aspect of yoga that should be focused on, then this is it. Forget the pretty stuff, learn to breathe properly. And it doesn't matter what you are wearing! ;)

Life is hard! Things never stay the same. We are in a constant flow of ups and downs. Yoga has helped me to learn techniques which allow me to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. If you've ever been to a hot yoga class, you'll know where I'm coming from with this one. You can begin to raise your tolerance on all levels, and begin to find comfort where previously you may have found pain.
Most importantly I have learnt to keep things simple, but regular. It's ok to change it up a bit, and use your imagination if getting to a class isn't possible. Yoga at home or out in nature can be so refreshing, and it's free! Too often I hear friends say they can't do yoga any more because it's just way too expensive. I have done yoga in some pretty unusual places, and if the weather's bad while we are on the road, I will throw my mat down inside our bus, and keep things nice and compact.
Oh, and laughter is actually yoga too, so try not to take things too seriously...
Have fun, and I'll see you on the road!
Love and Light, Danielle