This week's message dropped in after I had a brief encounter with a native fox as I strolled up the hill at sunrise. It's not uncommon to spy this swift little creature in the shadowy times of day, especially where we live in the hinterland, but you have to be quick to acknowledge before he slips back into the darkness. Just like a flash of lightning, he will be there one moment, then gone the next, keeping you wondering if you really saw him at all. Although the sighting was fleeting, the message had a lot more depth than I had expected, and as I asked for some clarity, I was guided to connect pen to paper and let the wisdom flow onto the page. Here is what was revealed, not only for myself, but for you as well because you have been guided here...

Be clever about the way you show up in the world now. Appearances can be deceiving, and there is a lot of confusion around the concept of healing. Be wise and discerning when it comes to sharing and revealing your deepest feelings, emotions & vulnerabilities with others. There is a little bit of deception & trickery going on surrounding what is being offered in the healing realm today, and it comes down to motivation & intention of those who are offering.

Ask directly where their intentions lie, and pull out threads of information before committing to any external source of help, advice or healing. If direct questions are not possible, and clear answers are not delivered, a more reliable method of filtering the light from the shadow, and gauging authenticity is to go inward and ask the depths of your own soul these same questions. The answers might not come in words, but are more likely to be revealed through feelings & sensations of the body.

Listen to your body's wisdom, and ask it what is truth, and what is deception? Do not be afraid of slipping into the shadows if in doubt, regarding any other aspect of your health & wellbeing, to observe quietly before stepping out into the light of commitment.
Your greatest healing power lies within. It might not be comfortable, but it is always reliable. Never hand over your power if you feel uncertain.
Everything is not always as it seems or appears. Was it a fox or a cat? Is it an answer or a distraction? Is it night or the flipside of day? Is it nourishing or is it depleting?

Slow down and tread lightly, observe quietly before taking action. You will know when the time is right, and who you can trust to walk beside you. Remember, inner struggle can easily be disguised as outer bravado, but a feeling is a feeling, and cannot be denied.

Know that you are being protected by the fox. Draw confidence and strength from him, and follow your own intuition before blindly trusting others. Above all, do not be afraid to tune into your intelligent and sensitive nature for your best guidance & protection.

The underlying message here is to trust your own intuition, take your time to watch, wait and see before leaping. Those fleeting flashes of insight are often more significant than we realise. Never feel pressured or rushed if there is doubt or indecision, and when you are blessed by an animal spirit, please take the time to ask what the deeper significance is, relative to the circumstances at that moment in your life.
Until next time, may we honour the animals, and remember there is wisdom surrounding us everywhere. We just have to notice and ask!
May you be happy. May you be peaceful. May you be free.
May we all walk together as Warriors of Love.
Danielle xxx 🌿✨️🔮✨️🌿