Channelled guidance to shed light on your path.

This week's message from spirit is short and sweet, and a little bit cryptic! Which is ironic given that we are holding the nature of truth, opinions and beliefs up to the light.
It inspires quiet contemplation on your part to interpret the meaning for you. Knowing that everything is seen through the lens of the individual's viewpoint. However many people there are on this planet, equals the amount of perspectives there are to be held on any given subject. In other words, there is no One Universal Truth!

Like the facets of a diamond, different perspectives will be seen depending on how and where it is reflecting the light, and this is changing constantly as conditions change. So where do we look to find the truth when we are drowning in a sea of differing opinions?

The words came through just as I was landing back in my earthly body after a deep sleep, as I was listening to the quiet awakening of the rainforest at dawn.
"It is all a matter of opinion. Noise is only disturbing if it comes up against deep silence, and silence is preferred. When silence is to be avoided, noise is the welcome guest. Everything can be turned around, like the dial on a compass, to be interpreted from a different perspective or direction.

Those who seek the purity and eternity of North will always find their way towards this destination, no matter which way they are positioned. Like a bubble of air trapped underneath the surface of water, eventually it rises up to be released, to find freedom once more without separation from the larger collection of air in the atmosphere...

Those who seek peace are drawn to peace. Those who seek freedom, find themselves unattached. Those who seek quiet, drift into noiseless spaces. Those who seek trouble find themselves in trouble. Those who prefer to be alone, follow the path of aloneness. Those who seek answers, only find more questions.
What is it you are seeking? Whatever you are seeking you will become.

Listen to your heart to find clarity. Do not swallow the opinion of others at face value. It is wise to run everything through the filter of your own heart first, to see where your energies align. Ask your body in its wisdom to tell you what is real, what is true. The mind will play tricks, but the heart & body never lies. Trust your gut feelings, and your intuition. Question everything, and listen within before speaking out. Align yourself with the vibration of the universe...the vibration of love, and you too will go beyond the separation of ego, beyond opinion, beyond fear and beyond doubt. You will be one in peace, a Warrior of Love & Truth.

The Warriors of Love never try to impose their views on others. They honour the different tastes of the Universal tongue, and respect all the elements and spices that make the meal. This respectful understanding is what is most nourishing, not the meal itself."

Would you consider yourself to be a Warrior of Love at this point in time on earth?
What does it mean to you to live from the heart rather than your head, and to stand in your own truth?
Lots to sit quietly with this week...
May you be happy. May you be peaceful. May you be free.
May we all walk together as Warriors of Love.
Danielle xxx 🌿✨️🔮✨️🌿