A spiritual message from the Cicada.
Well, it's been a while between posts, so I'm climbing above ground again to re-emerge into the world with some messages of a different kind. A lot has happened in our neck of the woods, and suffice it to say the time spent laying low and going deep has given me some wonderful insights into who I am, and why I happen to be hovering here in this particular spot, at this particular time. To put things into a rapid perspective, my pre-dawn practices of yoga, meditation, mantra and journalling have lead quite beautifully to an opening of another aspect of self realisation in the form of intuitive messages and insights.

Many of these have been delivered by animals in a way that can only be descibed as energetic feelings, sounds and sensations. Sometimes the messages come through dreams or as direct words delivered through my pen onto paper as I am guided to journal daily. Often a full sentence, song or poem is dropped into my awareness just as I'm emerging from sleep, or I have a very unusual encounter with a bird, or a clear vision of a creature from the clouds for example.

My hours of quiet sitting in deep contemplation are laced with some pretty intense mind wrestling, aswell as peaceful timeless spaces of mind resting, which have peeled back a few (many) layers of gunk that were distorting my view, so to speak. And once I got out of the way of the idea of anything being mine to look at in the first place ( my view, my problem, my doubt, my meditation, my yoga...you get the idea), I just let go. I surrendered into another plane of understanding and communication, and opened to many Divine conversations, which are ultimately evolving into Divine listening and understanding. I am opening to receive and deliver.
If you are still reading this, then these messages are for you aswell. So please open your heart, relax your mind and be kind, as I am just the messenger.

What I am hearing are messages from Spirit. Over recent years I have filled pages and pages of these musings, so much so that it is now time to begin sharing them with you.
Each week I will deliver a new insight, and what you do with it is up to you. However in order to absorb more openly, a little something from you is required. Stillness and space. Moving beyond time and thoughts, to a place of deeper wisdom that is from the heart, not the head will ease your journey aswell.
As we transition into 2024, it is time to reinvent the way we look at things, to shift our beliefs and perspectives, and to soften around how we communicate.

We are transitioning into a space that is wordless and focused on energy rather than the tangible. Are you ready?
So you may be wondering at this point, where the humble cicada fits into this picture?
Before you click away, please allow me to explain.
If you are familiar with the cicada, you will be well aware of their loud, shrill call at dawn or dusk during the Summer months. In fact they are known as the loudest insect in the world!

This is the love song of the males which establishes their territory, and attracts females. In our rainforest home in the Noosa Hinterland, it is a piercing chorus of sound and energy that fills the entire tropical landscape at times.
Their unique sound comes from tightening and loosening their abdomen, which is where they receive oxygen. This makes the cicada a wonderful example of controlled breathing, helpful for meditation and finding ones own unique song.
The cicada often work in teams, raising their voice in unity for more impact. Their inspired communal humming reminds us simultaneously of the past, the metamorphosis stage, and the changes that are soon coming. It is a strong message they share about no longer hiding underground or sheltering on the sidelines from life. The message is loud and clear, that it is time to stand up and work on self-development. Yogis call this life's work, Atma Vidya or self knowledge as it's now known.
As I sat listening to the early morning call this week, I asked spirit if there was a specific message I could share with the community. The answer came in the form of these words;

As you may know, the cicada lives in its infant state below the ground for up to seventeen years before emerging. This womblike stage of preparation is vital to its ultimate journey above and into the outer world. The cicadas message is simple. Recognise that now is the time for you to also re-emerge into the world and sing your song.
Staying hidden away serves its purpose to build strength and gather inspiration, but if you remain there forever it is pointless. Imagine having the most incredible creative ideas but never bringing them into fruition.

A thought is just a thought until it is converted into action, and brought into the world.
So, if you can relate to the experience of having a sometimes overwhelming amount of creative inspiration, but somehow not ever bringing them through from infancy to a fully grown manifested reality, then the message of the cicada is for you.
I know I can really relate to this right now, especially during this potent time of transformation as we transition from the old to the new world.
So, do not be afraid to come out and shine your light, spread your new wings, and to sing your unique song. The world needs you now!

If you are getting caught up on how to do things just right, and getting bogged down in the details in the idea stage, you are being urged to take the leap of faith, and move outside your box anyway. Or simply take one step at a time, and develop each thought into an idea and then into action. However your approach, do the work by continuing to move forward until completion.
Now is the time to be creative, reinvent old ideas and transform them into the new. Pull a tiny thread and just see what happens when you allow things to unfold with ease.

Remember, the conscious collective has got your back!
I will leave you with one final message to contemplate:
"Thinking about something and not doing anything is the same as not doing anything at all."
Sending so much love, encouragement & blessings from our tiny home in the trees,
Danielle & Tony xxx 🌿✨️🔮✨️🌿
(Frankie, Georgie & Jet the cat)
"Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu."
May all beings everywhere be happy and free. May my thoughts, words and actions in some way contribute to that happiness and freedom for all.