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My Story of the Hum: A Potent Message for the Spiritual Human Being

Writer: DanielleDanielle

A giant bee and amethyst crystal hovering over the universe

Welcome 'Radiant Being', thank you for being here!

Some things simply cannot be put into words, but I will attempt to deliver the message this way anyway, despite the limitations. To me it feels a bit like trying to describe the sense of taste to someone without a tongue, or the colour blue to someone who is blind.

But, I will say, because you have been drawn here to read this post, you are meant to receive the message. And this is just the beginning, so please settle in, open your heart and mind, and here we go!

Illustration of a womans silhouette with wings and an inner light

In 2020 I had a life-changing experience. After my morning meditation I received what can only be described as a powerful download from the spirit realm. It manifested as a full body vibration along with a piercing bright arc of light across my left, then right brow (the hemispheres of my brain). I knew straight away that there was nothing wrong (that I wasn’t having a stroke), but it was quite shocking nonetheless. It took me three years to begin to unpack what had happened, and to decode the information I was given.

During a deep hypnosis session (QHHT) early in 2023 I was taken on a journey back to source. As I ascended, I was guided by a gigantic bee, and received a powerful humming vibration through a vibrant red flower at the crown of my head. I instantly left the human body and morphed into my spiritual body as a vibrating crystalline energy. I recognised this as being pure source energy, and was instantly reminded of my strange experience three years earlier. I was literally vibrating as the frequency of amethyst crystal, having been initiated and reminded of what I was in essence, pure energy. In other words, the experience of oneness with all. A taste of blissful enlightenment.

A girl meditating in the clouds

Here, it is interesting to note the spiritual significance of the bee and the symbolic role it has played throughout history. Beyond that, we also recognise that even today, life on earth would not continue without our miraculous bee friends.

It is no coincidence that the ancient Vedic wisdom teaches us the importance of Brahmari (Humming Bee breath) as the most significant and primal of pranayama practices.

Being a devoted yogi, I instantly made the connection.

Goddess Brahmari with red flowers - Goddess of the bees

What did I make of these two very unusual experiences? In a nutshell, they showed me my purpose on earth in this life, and why I have been drawn to follow a yogic path for over thirty years now. I was told that I am here to teach people the ‘Hum’. To remind them of this fundamental knowledge and practice that is in essence, the ‘Om’. The message was that words can be misconstrued and misinterpreted, while the healing sound of the Hum is universal, and it is a healing vibration that resonates with all beings, and transcends any language, cultural or religious barriers. To be shown that this is my purpose for being here, simply to teach people the Hum, was profound, even though what was revealed was very simple and uncomplicated, much like learning how to cook. At first there is a master stock and base recipe, but over time and with practice, the recipe can be developed in many different ways while still being true to the original flavour and essence.

A sketch of cooking pot and utensils

Although the Hum is the foundation of all sounds, as recognised in Vedic wisdom as the Om, the practice of simply humming has already been touched upon in certain health and wellness arenas, but has not yet been fully integrated into mainstream practice. On a scientific level, studies have shown that humming helps our bodies counteract the fight-or-flight response we experience during mental and physical stress, by activating the vagus nerve, but it also works quite simply because it slows down our breathing and heart rate, which in turn calms the nervous system. It’s unclear exactly how humming activates the vagus nerve, but experts suggest that the sounds and vibrations of humming stimulate the nerve as it connects with the vocal cords.

Women meditating on a moutaintop

The practice of yoga also incorporates the chanting of mantras, and has done so for thousands of years, as a form of meditation by focusing the mind through the repetition of certain sounds and words. The mantra 'Om' finishes with a humming sound for example.

On a metaphysical level humming also opens up and balances the fifth chakra of the body, which is the Vishuddha or throat chakra. This encourages you to speak your truth and communicate more authentically.

illustration of the throat chakra - Vishuddha

In late 2023 we (Tony & I ) journeyed to the Himalayan mountains of Nepal, to sit in the lap of the gods, to learn the ancient art of Sound Bowl healing. This life-changing experience has been the inspiration and motivation for all that we are offering, teaching and sharing now at Sundari Wellbeing, our holistic health & wellness business based in the Noosa Hinterland of Queensland, Australia. It provided us with the missing link, and gave us a clear framework to work with as we learnt the art of playing different instruments such as Himalayan singing bowls, chimes, gongs and the voice, to create the Hum.

Our Nepalese teachers were drawing down threads of ancient knowledge and wisdom from their Himalayan ancestors, shared for thousands of years, which to us was both a huge privelege and a sincerely humbling experience.

A man and woman after graduation of sound healing training in Purna Yoga Retreat Nepal


Part of our training was to understand how to use sound and vibration as the bridge to create harmony and resonance, using the principles of entrainment. In other words, how to use sound to influence and make changes to not only the physical body, but the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well. The beauty of this technique is that it does not need to be explained logically because it is felt and experienced on a cellular level. This is where science and spirituality unite in a very simple way.

Himalayan Singing bowls and candles

Energy, vibration and frequency are the basic fundamental principles that describe not only the nature of the universe, but are also intricately woven into the fabric of human existence. Sound is not only connected to our scientific understanding of the creation of our world and its natural processes, but how it is expressed through the various creation stories at the heart of many religions and mythologies.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, vibration and frequency - Nikola Tesla

In the same way, the hum provides us with a very simple yet reliable bridge that carries us to a place of deeper understanding of ourselves, others and the world we live in. It is an inner knowing of wholeness that is felt rather than explained intellectually.

White light ripples of energy

In terms of the physical effects, from the Vedic perspective, the feminine Kundalini energy is said to reside at the base of the spine, and is often represented as a coiled snake. With practices such as yoga, meditation, mantra and kriya this energy travels up the spine to unite with the masculine energy of Shiva. The central channel it travels through is called Sushumna Nadi, and is also known as ‘the path of grace’ or the journey of enlightenment.

Hand mudra of  mindfulness

Together these energies create an incredibly potent force of alchemy and transformation. The Shakti energy is experienced as expansive, radiating energy. It is important to recognise and become familiar with this energy as sensation in the body in moments of consciousness. 

Through the simple practice of humming we can create this union within ourselves, but when created with another person it is amplified. This is the energy of consciousness, known as Kundalini Shakti.

A peaceful couple with eyes closed and foreheads touching

The heartfelt connection created through the practice of humming, not only to ourself, but in unison with others, harmonises the vibration of the love frequency and is in essence demonstrating the powers of resonance and entrainment on a very simple and practical level.

Although we are all one energy, we are vibrating at different frequencies depending on our state of health, the environmental factors effecting our bodies, and the emotional, mental and spiritual state we are in. These differences can often create conflict between people, and with only the limited language of words to use, we often fall short when it comes to managing how to live in peaceful union. Have you ever noticed how some people 'resonate' with you more than others, or perhaps you know a person who can lift the energy of a room simply by being there? This is not just an opinion, but an actual felt sense that is scientifically proven to exist. By raising your vibration, you have the power to influence the vibration of others. Humming and chanting do just this!

A radiantly happy red headed girl smiling

What I was shown during my hypnosis journey was a specific technique of humming with a partner, so as to create a peaceful and harmonious relationship. This simple three minute practice should be done every day to continually reset and balance your heart, body, mind and spiritual connection.

Imagine if humming became a universally recognised essential daily practice, as necessary as bathing or brushing your teeth. It may well be the key to creating global unity and harmony. Seriously!

A woman mwditating on the beach at sunset

Because everything is energy, words also have a vibration and leave an imprint that cannot be erased. If these are negative, they may create irreparable damage. In the same way, vibration that is harmonious will be stamped into the cells, leaving a positive imprint that will not be forgotten. These are the foundational blocks upon which relationships are built, essentially through language and words. While the Hum isn't a word, its effect still leaves a significant imprint, not only on the body, but on the mind and spirit as well.


Girl with love is love words projected onto her face

We begin life as a speck of dust, we grow and blossom, bear fruit, ripen, then eventually wither and decay, returning once again to the earth as dust. The evolutionary process and the cycle of creation is, therefore, infinite.

The cycle of life is the thread of existence since the very beginning, and by gathering tools to help us on this journey, we are collectively strengthening this thread, and raising the vibration of all.

A fantasy tree of life

Our vision is to spread the awareness of the Hum as a very accessible tool, and to teach others through very simple practices how to hum together to create unity and harmony. We believe the effectiveness of this practice lies in its purity and simplicity. Humming 'speaks' to a much deeper level beyond thoughts and words, and you do not need to believe in it for it to work effectively. We are witnessing this in every one of our clients who receive a sound healing or chakra balancing treatment with us, using the Himalayan bowls as the Hum.

As we continue to explore different methods of delivering the Hum to the world, we are inspired to keep the practice simple and pure to its roots. It is an honour to be hum-bly participating in this evolutionary process, beginning in our community, to raise the collective consciousness. May the ripples of peace be felt wherever you are.

Om symbol written in sand

If you would like to learn more about the hum, and this specific technique, please reach out to us at Sundari Wellbeing. In the meantime, keep on humming!

Sending peaceful ripples through the ether...


So Hum ( I am That )

Until next time!

With love,

Danielle x 🌿✨️🌻🐝✨️🌿


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