We know when we feel stuck, and need to make changes...but sometimes it's hard to know where to start. Making the first step...ANY STEP...can be the catalyst for change.

So now it was real...we were really committed to making huge changes to our life. Simple right? After selling our beautiful beachside home in Terrigal NSW, spending 6 weeks drifting around India with no real plans, we figured we were match fit for a life of simple spontaneity.
We had seen so much of the world already, so this time we decided to reward ourselves by spending the next year or more meandering around our own vast, beautiful country, Australia. Still being within arm's reach of our families, and being able to take our beautiful dogs with us made the decision easy.
It didn't take us long to find the perfect mode of transport to take us on our journey. We are gypsies at heart, yet somehow we couldn't really see ourselves in a fancy new caravan. Then along came 'Sunny' our 27 year old retro Coaster bus. A perfect fit! The dream was becoming a reality...

So here's the deal...after 9 weeks of renovating and prepping our 'Sunny', it was time to roll the dice and begin the adventure. Overall leading up to our
May 19th departure, things had gone fairly smoothly, albeit slowly. It gave us extra time to connect with family and friends before we headed off, which was a bonus.
We have purposely done very little research and planning for our epic adventure, apart from chatting to people who have offered their advice based on their own travel experiences.
The aim of our journey around Australia is to deepen our connection with each other, as well as any trees, plants, animals, people or aliens who step onto and share our path. Being long time yogis, we definitely want to deepen our practice and continue our yogic lifestyle on the road, so wherever we go we will always aim to fit in a daily practice...hopefully outside in nature.
Our intention is to be as resourceful as possible, free-camping and spending our money on experiences rather than things. Being largely self-sufficient and minimal is also our challenge, leaving as small a footprint as we can. That means solar panels, carrying extra water, and also growing some of our food as we travel.

We share a romantic vision of us simply flowing with the natural rhythm of each day, resetting and living in the present moment as much as possible...to be open to all the wonderful gifts of opportunity the universe has to offer us along the way. In reality, we are a little afraid that our naivety may see us having to deal with our fair share of challenges too. But we are willing to give it our best shot. Our mantra is, 'there are no mistakes, only lessons.' Some wise words from our yogi teachers! Hopefully we will be happily repeating these words after months on the road.
The only plan we intend to stick to is to not plan too much. We want to open our eyes to what's around us, rather than be buried in our phones to eliminate the what if's and surprises that come with being spontaneous.
No straight lines, only left and right turns should keep our journey interesting. We want to avoid being swept along the beaten track of all the others who have ventured around Australia before us.
We look forward to sharing our story with whoever is interested, but the main motivation in writing this blog is to keep a journal for ourselves, so we may look back in years to come and smile as we reminisce on our epic road trip in our bus.
Welcome aboard! We hope you'll join us on the road.

May you be happy, healthy and peaceful!
Danielle & Tony xx