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From Seas to Trees - Our move to the Noosa Hinterland

Writer: DanielleDanielle

After 12 wonderful weeks on the road in 'Sunny' and over 9000km behind us, we are enticed back to the lush green hills of the Noosa Hinterland. Something magical is beckoning and we feel it's time to put down some new roots and settle on our own piece of paradise in nature.

Follow our story in pictures as we make the transition from our old coastal lifestyle on the NSW Central Coast to a journey of quiet simplicity on the land in Qld.

Sooooooooo.....with our wanderlust urges satiated for the moment, October 2018 sees us taking a deep breath and sealing the deal by purchasing 10 acres of pristine bushland. Sundari Nature Retreat is born! The plan is to spend the next however many months creating something special to share with likeminded people. We see yoga, meditation, music and a place to heal in nature. Finally a place to build our off-the grid retreat home amongst the trees.

You can read all about our change of heart regarding the indefinite travel around Australia in a previous blog "Freedom is the power to choose our own chains", but for now we bend with the wind and go with what feels right.

Sometimes our dreams are manifested quicker than we expect, and when everything just flows in the same direction, you just have to listen and go with it!

That's the beauty of living from day-to-day being blessed with the freedom of many choices, and the flexibility to change your course if it feels right.

This particular pocket of land seemed to be waiting for us to arrive. With nothing but a small garden shed a derelict caravan home to snakes and rats, an old rusty water tank and an abundance of raw beauty, we roll up our sleeves to embark on the next big adventure. We envision an untouched beautiful wonderland of Australian nature at it's finest.

Taking a bath in a bucket overlooking the Australian bush
We peel back the layers of our old life of materialism, and instead embrace minimalism...

We also see the birth of a new design style for us, 'Rustic Tropical'...or perhaps 'Aussie Bush Exotic' as we dream of creating our new home from upcycled and natural materials from the surrounding area. The inspirational juices are already beginning to flow as we settle into our new way of life in country Queensland. Slowly, slowly...

Splashes of exotic colour influenced by our travels in Asia are blended with the rustic Australian charm of the bush...

Most of all we feel an overwhelming sense of peace with the decision we have press pause on the travel button and to put down some roots of an entirely different kind.

Kin Kin QLD - 20/10/18

Yellow bamboo grove, Kin Kin Qld
After driving 1000km from our former home in NSW, we finally settle on our new land in Qld

Rainbow overlooking the valley, Kin Kin
Our first afternoon we are treated to a sun shower and the prettiest view over the valley....

We park 'Sunny' in the best camp spot ever...freedom at last!

We celebrate new beginnings with a cleansing fire ceremony...

...and get straight to work!

Yoga in nature. Yoga platform made from recycled pallets
Tony builds me a yoga & meditation platform from recycled new morning ritual in nature :)

Springtime beauty and colour of the native bushland...

Wild raspberries Qld Australia
Wild raspberries are dotted amongst the bush trails at the bottom of our property....

Mount Pinbarren at sunet, Kin Kin Qld
Spectacular sunset view to Mt. Pinbarren from the top of our road

Exploring the property - 30/10/18

Yellow bamboo grove Kin Kin, Qld
The breath-taking cathedral of bamboo at the bottom of our property was one of the main attractions for us...

Tree swallowed by roots in the Qld rainforest well as the untamed rainforest which seems to disappear into darkness below...

Tree root wrapping around a quartz rock crystal Kin Kin, Qld Australia
Quartz rock crystals are scattered amongst the damp forest floor...there's magic in the air!

Country gate and old sleeper fence
Contemplating the beginning of our new life...the first piece of building on our land, a new gate to say 'here marks the spot!'

Sunshine Beach, Noosa - 1/11/18

Sunshine Beach, Noosa Qld
It's only a 20 minute drive to cool off in the stunning beaches of Noosa

Sunset yoga, Dog Beach Noosa Qld
Sunset yoga at the beach...

So on the 1st of January 2019 after a few trips up and back, we made the move permanently. We tied up all old loose ends, hugged our children and family, gathered our dogs Frankie and Georgie into the car and bus once again, and set off down a road of a very different kind this time.

Neither Tony or I have ever lived in the countryside, both of us having grown up in the busyness of Sydney. We both feel so ready for this next adventure as we patiently build a new life with our own bare hands.

We will be sharing our progress as it all unfolds, so stay tuned for the next steps as we learn to adapt to a whole new climate, community and way of life.

Please send us a message if you have any questions, or to just say hi. We love to share and chat!

With love,

Danielle & Tony

(Frankie & Georgie) xxx



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