It is said that we all have a unique song in our heart that resonates out into the world from the moment of conception, to the moment we leave.
Sadly this heart song is often lost or unheard as we accumulate the layers of interference that come as part and parcel of the human experience we call life.
These veils of delusion that dim our inner light as the years roll on from childhood, often rob us of our innocence and joy, and create a barrier that blocks the flow from the heart, and contains it within.

A sound can only be heard by those who are listening. Imagine soundproofing a room filled with the most exquisitely divine music, keeping the sounds contained within, only to be heard by those entering into the space. And if no one enters do the sounds still exist? In the same way, if we do not connect with our heartsong, will the music ever be heard?
These questions flowed through my awareness one morning as I gracefully soluted to the sun, with Divine guidance landing neatly onto my journal page in the afterglow of my post yoga bliss.
Consider these words a beautiful gift, like a lovesong from the spiritual heart of the universe to you as you read on...

"Listen to the song in your heart , whether it is sad and lamenting or joyful and forgiving.
Allow your heart to have an authentic voice...a voice that no matter how quiet and softly spoken is being heard and acknowledged.
The heart changes rhythm and pace according to whatever is happening around you. There's no need to control or monitor this rhythm. In fact when it is allowed to run freely there is a peaceful grace that will arise from this Truth.
Your heart speaks a language all of its own, and is only truly communicating with all the other hearts on the planet. In this way the mind, words and thoughts simply create interference and noise that distorts the pure resonance of the heart language and song.
In order to speak and understand this language you must first be completely relaxed and undefended. The various facets of life can easily close off parts of your heart. To be truly in touch with your heart you must allow it to sing its own song without judgement or comment.
Allow the heart to be free, to ebb and flow in the cosmic sea of Truth. It doesn't need protecting because it is beyond all external effect. It shines and sings no matter what.
How you feel and connect with your heart and the hearts of all others is up to you!"

May these words inspire you to be playful, dance in the rain, live deep, laugh lots and open your beautiful heart to the world. Take a few risks, be silly, be vulnerable and above all let the song in your heart be heard!
As Rumi said,
"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love. In the depths there is a spring with all the water your heart is thirsty for."

May you be happy. May you be peaceful. May you be free.
May we all walk together as Warriors of Peace & Love, and sing to our heart's content.
Until next time!
Danielle xxx 🌿✨️🔮✨️🌿