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Are You Listening? Trusting the Validity of Messages from the Universe

Writer: DanielleDanielle

Channelled guidance to help you on your path...

small white feather

This week's message from spirit comes through as a beautiful reminder that we are not alone, although we can sometimes feel a little isolated as we struggle to navigate our own path in this often crazy world. It's easy to forget that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not just human doings, jumping from one task to the next in a chaotic bid to get to the bottom of our never-ending 'To-Do' list.

busy people in a public space

Just like the bottomless scrolling of social media, we can feel like we are never really getting a handle on things, like running in thin air. Trying to sink our metaphorical teeth into the true meaning and purpose of this life, but never quite getting a hold long enough to take that bite.

man on devices

Here is the paradox. When we are so busy running on autopilot, trying to reach an unknown point of peace somewhere in the future, where we might have the time and space to 'work it all out', we only get further and further from the goal.

In our haste to get somewhere we only get more lost, and can totally miss the beauty of the present moment of life.

a man and a woman running

Those words, "life is what happens when you are busy doing something else", say it perfectly! When we are constantly turning over scenarios in our mind, trying to wrestle with problems, and putting out real & imagined spot fires, we are anywhere else but here now.

We are blinded by the chaos of our busy minds, and often simply do not see or experience the details of our every day existence in real time.

a woman lying on a cracked road with hair covering her face

These details are often little signposts and reminders from nature and our guides to help us unlock the doors of misunderstanding and confusion, to teach us who we really are, and how we fit into the greater picture. But, unfortunately we are often too busy doing something else to notice.

Token messages from nature

Can you relate? Read on for the full message from Spirit...

"Trust in the messages you are receiving, for they are real. All the little signs that are left on your path are not coincidences. They are messages from Spirit. All that you need to do is to notice, acknowledge and feel the love & joy that is in your heart, knowing you belong. That someone or something is always beside you, tagging along without pushing or pulling you in any way. Just a feeling that you sense, that even though this life can feel sense-less and hope-less at times, it is not.

a girl lying in green bushes

There is great meaning in noticing that tiny white feather that is floating down out of nowhere, to land so softly at your feet. The circle of stones and leaves arranged in a pattern so carefully. The clear song of a bird as it lands on a branch above to deliver an important message. The tiny flutter in your belly when you crouch down closely to hear the hum of the little bee that is dusting every flower. Not picking and choosing only the perfect flowers, but the crumpled half-open weeds aswell, that seem to struggle but still show up and shine in their own way.

A bee on a flower

There is great truth that is held in the tiny mirror of each rain drop on the window. More than you could ever imagine. There is meaning, truth and joy in all the simple, humble turnings of the wheels. The momentum of life as you know it. Not just as you see it, but how you feel it inside.

A young girl smelling flowers

You don't need to prove or justify anything to anyone when you hold these moments to your heart, and smile because there is always a welcoming home when you remember to notice. Then you quickly remember to remember why you are here. Keep walking just as you are, but with eyes wide open, ask questions and smile a little more, for I am here with you always. The answers to all your questions are inside you. The little signs will guide you there."

A smiling woman running through grass

"Everywhere I look, there you are."

~ from The Bhagavad Gita (ch 11 Visvarupa Darsana Yoga)

A small yellow flower in hands

May you be happy. May you be peaceful. May you be well.


Sending you love & deep blessings on your way,

Danielle xxx 🌿✨️🔮✨️🌿


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